The Bachelors of Science in Nursing major at Avila
Avila’s nursing students have a first-pass rate on the NCLEX-RN of 96.68% (average over the past three years).

For more than 70 years, Avila University’s School of Nursing in Kansas City, Missouri, enjoys an outstanding reputation for preparing leaders in the field – the result of an innovative, 21st-century curriculum. Students at Avila University are motivated and committed to their education. They are taught by faculty with significant clinical experience, causing employers to seek after graduates of Avila’s nursing programs.
Choose Your Pathway
The nursing program curriculum is built around outcomes relating to Professional Role Competencies, Effective Communication, Clinical Reasoning, and Personal Knowing, Spirituality, and Cultural Humility. The nursing major curriculum is four semesters long with each semester building upon the previous one.
Courses in the pre-licensure nursing major are designed to prepare the student as a graduate nurse to practice in a variety of settings. Avila’s nursing program is grounded in the natural and social sciences, arts, and humanities, as well as the theoretical knowledge and skills needed to practice nursing.

Classes for this program are in-person on campus as a traditional Undergraduate program and students must be accepted in to the program as part of an application process.

Sample 4-year Pre-Licensure Curriculum
Courses in the pre-licensure nursing major are designed to prepare the student as a graduate nurse to practice in a variety of settings. Avila’s nursing program is grounded in the natural and social sciences, arts, and humanities, as well as the theoretical knowledge and skills needed to practice nursing. The curriculum is designed to develop personal and professional values that enable the student to better assume the responsibilities they will face in contemporary society. An emphasis is placed on safe and quality nursing practice, effective communication, professional competencies, clinical reasoning grounded in evidence, and socially and globally responsible health care.
Clinical Requirements
- Provide immunization documentation and other Avila and clinical agency requirements prior to the beginning of and continuing throughout nursing clinical courses (these requirements are subject to change).
- Complete criminal disclosure information and background check.
- Hold current certification in Basic Cardiac Life Support (BCLS) (Health Professional American Heart Association 2 year)
- Provide proof of the absence of active Tuberculosis (2-step TB screen or IGRA).
- Submit a negative drug screen
- Carry health insurance coverage while in the nursing major (a health insurance form must reflect company and coverage and be on file in the nursing office).
Outcomes Assessment
Outcomes assessment is used throughout the educational process at Avila to evaluate program effectiveness. The program of nursing, university, and/or accrediting agencies determines assessed outcomes. Assessment activities occur throughout, at the end of the nursing curriculum and post-graduation. Assessment early in the nursing curriculum can provide the faculty with a baseline from which to evaluate the curricular impact on outcomes. Assessment activities may also include course assignments or surveys. Post-graduation outcome assessments help to evaluate such things as graduate and employer satisfaction and success on the nursing licensure examination. The nursing program curriculum outcomes are:
- Select and use effective and facilitative communication techniques to deliver evidence-based patient-centered care with emphasis on patient safety and positive professional working relationships.
- Perform professional role competencies with an emphasis on the roles of provider of care, designer/manager/coordinator of care and member of the interprofessional team.
3. Integrate clinical reasoning and evidence-based decision making to deliver patient-centered care in a changing practice environment.
4.Demonstrate personal knowing, spirituality and cultural humility in socially and globally responsible health care
Transferring to Avila?
You may also be eligible for the Accelerated B.S of Nursing degree! If you are an adult student with more than 60+ credit hours, you qualify for our ABSN program!
Did you know that you can get college credit for work history? Learn more about the Prior Learning Assessment Transfer hours!
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