Dr. Jessica Kamuru’s expertise is in special education with an emphasis in learning disabilities and mathematics. She is a 13- year veteran special education teacher, who taught students with disabilities in self-contained, itinerant and co-teaching settings in Kansas City, Mo. Her areas of teaching and research include supporting students with disabilities, those from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, and creating equitable access to mathematics. She recently received her Ph.D. from the University of Missouri-Columbia (Mizzou). Before leaving Mizzou, Dr. Kamuru was presented with the Graduate Student Diversity Award and was nominated for the Graduate Teacher of the Year Award. Dr. Kamuru has presented at several conferences for both special education and mathematics education. Her most recent presentations include presenting at the Council of Exceptional Children (CEC) Conference in Spring 2021 and presenting more locally the at Missouri Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (MACTE) Conference in Fall of 2021. In addition to presenting at conferences, Dr. Kamuru has also served as a consultant to a local school district to help teachers better understand how to teach English Learners.
When Dr. Kamuru is not teaching, presenting, or writing, she enjoys traveling, spending time in nature, jazz music, yoga, and reading books. She is very thankful for all the opportunities that Avila University has provided for her to use her talent and passion for education.