Dr. Malcolm Gold, Associate Professor of Economics in Avila’s School of Business, teaches at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. Dr. Gold completed his Ph.D. at the University of Wisconsin in Madison in Economics within the fields of Public Economics and Labor economics. His dissertation examined how laws, health insurance, and labor market decisions affected marriage and divorce. Prior to teaching and completing his Ph.D., Dr. Gold worked as an economic and financial litigation consultant after receiving a master’s degree from Baylor University in economics and a bachelor’s degree from the University of Minnesota Morris in Mathematics and German.
At Avila, Dr. Gold serves as an academic advisor for incoming students in the School of Business and as the faculty athletic representative. Having grown up in a small town in central Minnesota and as a first-generation college student, he feels a personal duty to help students navigate and find an academic pathway for their current and future goals.
Dr. Gold enjoys spending time with his family outdoors, and he is active in the birding community. He serves on the Board for the Kansas Ornithological Society as a member of the Kansas Bird Records Committee, an eBird reviewer for Cornell University, and a field trip coordinator for Burrough’s Audubon Society of Kansas City. His Avila recognition includes the Medal of Honor.