Avila University proudly supports two TRIO programs:
Upward Bound and Student Support Services!
TRIO programs are federally-funded programs designed to provide educational access and assistance to income-eligible, first-generation and/or students with a disability. TRIO programs are funded under Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965 and are referred to as TRIO programs because there were three original programs created. TRIO programs are required to serve a majority of students who meet an income guideline and are also first-generation college students (the first in their family to complete a four-year college degree).
There are over 1,000 colleges, universities and community agencies nationwide which host TRIO programs. All TRIO program hosts apply for funds through competitive grants with the Department of Education.
Avila University hosts two TRIO programs which serve income-eligible and first-generation college students. All services are offered at no cost to participants.
Students enrolled in current TRIO programs reflect the diversity of our nation. Approximately 37 percent of students are Caucasian, 36 percent African American, 19 percent Hispanic, 4 percent Native American and 4 percent Asian American. Additionally, about 16,000 disabled students and more than 25,000 U.S. veterans are currently enrolled in TRIO programs. More than 1,200 colleges, universities, community colleges and agencies now offer TRIO programs in America. See the U.S. Department of Education’s TRIO website for more information.
The mission of TRIO programs at Avila University is to empower students to advance their achievement in higher education. TRIO strives to increase academic success, college access, and graduation rates by using research-driven strategies to assist individuals in overcoming financial, academic, social and cultural barriers to higher education.
Student Support Services (SSS)
Student Support Services (SSS) Inspired to Achieve works with first-generation college students, those who come from a modest-income household, or students who have some type of disability throughout their time at Avila University.
This program is funded by a grant from the U.S. Department of Education. Applications will be selected for program participation in compliance with the provisions of Section 427 of the U.S. Department of Education’s General Education Provisions Act (GEPA). Accordingly, access and participation will not be denied to applicants based on gender, race, national origin, color, disability, or age.
SSS: Inspired to Achieve: Inspired to Achieve provides resources and services students need on their path to college graduation and whatever lies beyond. We achieve this by taking a holistic approach, meeting students at their level of need, providing intensive academic advising, advocating for and with them, developing a sense of educational responsibility within each student, and celebrating the milestones along the way. Students are provided opportunities for cultural exploration, developing and furthering knowledge, forming relationships and personal growth.
Overcoming barriers and succeeding in post-secondary education is what Student Support Services is all about. Committed to the success of each program participant, the staff creates a climate of support specifically designed to facilitate student learning and development, enabling the student access, persist and graduate from college.
Benefits of participating in Inspired to Achieve
Students who actively take advantage of SSS services, provided to them at no cost, enjoy benefits including, but not limited to:
- Increased retention and graduation rates
- Set and meet personal and academic goals
- A supportive climate for first-generation, low-income students and/or individuals with disabilities
- Centralized location (Hodes Center) for services and support
- Social network of peers
- Guidance from staff members who are motivated and passionate about student success!
Services Provided at No Cost to the Student:
- Peer tutoring
- Professional tutoring
- Academic Advising
- Financial literacy workshops
- Federal student aid workshops
- Learning communities
- Graduate school test preparation
- Various workshops based on student need
- Counseling
- Career exploration
- Mentoring
- Graduate school visits
- Cultural/social activities
- Grant aid
SSS participants are more likely to remain enrolled in higher education, accrue more college credits and earn higher grade point averages than similar students who did not receive such services.
TRIO office is located in the Hodes Center. Need more info? Call 816.501.2904 or email InspiredToAchieve@avila.edu.
SSS offers various free services designed to ensure eligible full-time students on the Avila University campus are successful in their academic career. Some of these services include:
- Academic Advising – SSS staff members serve as academic advisors to students in the program. The SSS advisor is available to provide academic, financial, career, graduate school, and personal counseling to eligible students. They are here to guide you from your first day on campus through to graduation!
- Tutoring – Free one-on-one tutoring for program participants in a wide range of general education and upper-level courses. Tutors meet with participants for one-on-one sessions.
- Mentoring – Each participant is assigned a mentor. The mentor is a staff member who stays in contact with assigned participants and can answer questions and concerns or refer participants to the appropriate resource for help. Mentors call, write, and/or meet regularly with their participants.
- Computer Use – The SSS office is open to SSS participants on weekdays from 8 am-5 pm and is furnished with computer stations and a study area. Free printing is provided in this area.
- Grant Aid Scholarships – SSS will offer grant aid funds to eligible participants during the fall, spring, and summer semesters. To be eligible to receive these funds, participants must have an active status, be Pell-eligible, and have an unmet financial need. For more information, meet with your SSS Academic Coordinator.
- Courses – Special courses are designed to meet the needs of participants throughout their college career
- Workshops and Related Activities – Participants in SSS may attend workshops on college survival skills such as time management and test anxiety; career preparation needs such as resume writing and interviewing; graduate school preparation and financial literacy. Workshops and courses offered are constantly evolving to meet the ever-changing needs of participants.
- Assistance with Financial Aid Process – SSS staff will assist participants with the completion of the Financial Aid Renewal Application (FAFSA).
- Financial Literacy and Planning – Educate participants on issues of finances and financial planning.
- Career and Graduate/Professional School Advisement – Engage program participants in planning, preparing, and with the completion of the graduate admissions process.
Objective 1: Persistence Rate
Seventy percent of all participants served by the SSS project will persist from one academic year to the beginning of the next academic year or will have earned a bachelor’s degree at the grantee institution during the academic year.
Objective 2: Good Academic Standing
Eighty-eight percent of all enrolled SSS participants being served will meet the performance level required to stay in good academic standing at the grantee institution.
Objective 3: Graduation Rate
Fifty percent of new participants served each year will graduate from the grantee institution with a bachelor’s degree or equivalent within six years.
How can I get involved with SSS? Stop by our office at Hodes Center to pick up an application. Then return the application along with a copy of your parent’s/parents’ most recent federal tax return or yours if you are an independent student. This will be used to establish income status. It will be kept confidential and must be submitted by ALL students applying to the program. After submitting these materials and meeting with the Director for a 30-minute intake interview, she will let you know if you qualify for participation in the program.
What is a “first-generation” college student?
(1) A student neither of whose natural or adoptive parents received a baccalaureate degree;
(2) A student who, prior to the age of 18, regularly resided with and received support from only one parent and whose supporting parent did not receive a baccalaureate degree; or
(3) An individual who, prior to the age of 18, did not regularly reside with or receive support from a natural or an adoptive parent.
Why should I become a participant? SSS provides support, services, and guidance to assist you in achieving your educational goals at Avila University. The program can help you build on your strengths and address your areas of concern. SSS participants receive personalized support and opportunities not available to other students on campus.
When does SSS accept applications? We accept applications at any time but review most applications before the beginning of each semester.
Do you accept transfer students? YES!
How much time does it take to participate in the program? Our students are expected to have frequent contact with the program staff and are expected to take full advantage of program services. Our program services are flexible and can be scheduled on an individual basis. Staff members are available by appointment, phone, or email or you can stop by the office while on campus.
Does it matter what year in school I am? No. We accept students regardless of the year as long as they meet eligibility, will benefit from the program and there is space in the program.
If accepted into SSS, will I have to apply every year? No. Once accepted into SSS, you are eligible to participate until graduation.
Does SSS have money for scholarships? Yes, grant aid is available to help students who qualify based on need. You must apply for both of these funds and will receive notification from the Director of the awarded amount.
How can I find out about upcoming SSS events? Upcoming events will be promoted in a variety of places, including:
SSS Facebook page
Calendar (posted in TRIO office and website)
Group Texts
What do I do to receive tutoring? You can drop by the TRIO office and your academic coordinator will assist you with scheduling.
How can I be a tutor? We advertise for tutor/mentor positions on the AU website when we have openings for tutors/mentors. You can also complete an application at any time and deliver it to our office where we will keep it on file for review as positions become available.
What are SSS office hours? Our office hours are Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. There are extended hours which vary each semester and dependent on student need. If you need to schedule an appointment outside of normal office hours, that is perfectly acceptable!
Who do I contact if I have questions? All staff members work directly with our students, so feel free to contact any one of us at 816.501.2904
In order to be eligible to receive services through SSS, you must meet at least one of the following federal requirements:
First-generation college student, neither parent has a bachelor’s degree, or
Income guidelines, based on the current Federal TRIO Programs income guidelines
You must also meet the following criteria:
- Be currently enrolled or have been accepted for full-time study at Avila
- Be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident
- Meet the academic need criteria as established by the SSS Program
- NOTE: Meeting first-generation, and income guidelines do not guarantee admission into SSS. Prospective participants must also demonstrate the ability to benefit from program services.
Students who have attained a bachelor’s degree are not eligible for the program.
Upward Bound
Upward Bound programs supplement the student’s high school experience with academic enrichment services, career exploration, self-development opportunities, cultural exposure opportunities and assistance with college admissions and financial aid searches.
- Tutoring – offered weekly at target schools in core subject areas
- Saturday Session Workshops – ACT preparation with Cambridge Educational Services
- Campus Tours – primarily visiting both private and public institutions in the region
- Advising – group and individual advising in academics, career and personal
- Cultural Exposure – symphony, renaissance festivals, Broadway performances, museums, etiquette dinners, etc.
- Community Service – local opportunities with upperclassman planning and organizing their own community service project throughout the year
- Educational Workshops – financial literacy, study skills, cyber safety, health awareness, bullying, advocacy, etc.
- Summer Excellence Institute – 6-week residential program on campus
- Other Services – team building, FAFSA, leadership conferences, ACT registration, admission applications, and scholarship searches/editing
- Academic Performance–Grade Point Average (GPA): 75% of participants served during the project year will have a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or better on a four-point scale at the end of the school year.
- Academic Performance on Standardized Test: 40% of UB seniors served during the project year, will have achieved at the proficient level on state assessments in reading/language arts and math.
- Secondary School Retention and Graduation: 85% at the next grade level, or will have graduated from secondary school with a regular secondary
- Secondary School Graduation (rigorous secondary school program of study): 80% of all current and prior year UB participants, who at the time of entrance into the project had an expected high school graduation date in the school year, will complete a rigorous secondary school program of study and graduate in that school year with a regular secondary school diploma.
- Postsecondary Enrollment: 80% of all current and prior UB participants, who at the time of entrance into the project had an expected high school graduation date in the school year, will enroll in a program of postsecondary education by the fall term immediately following high school graduation or will have received a notification, by the fall term immediately following high school, from an institution of higher education, of acceptance but deferred enrollment until the next academic semester (e.g. spring semester).
- Postsecondary Completion: 50% of participants who enrolled in a program of postsecondary education, by the fall term immediately following high school graduation or by the next academic term (e.g., spring term) as a result of acceptance by deferred enrollment, will attain either an associate’s or bachelor’s degree within six years following graduation from high school.
Upward Bound Student Experiences
Monique Brown
Grandview High School ’14
Howard University
Upward Bound has had such a great effect on my life. This program helped me score a 25 on the ACT, graduate at the top ten percent of my graduating class, and become a Howard University student. Before I joined Upward Bound in my sophomore year in high school, I was an average student; I did a lot of volunteer work and I was on average a 3.3 G.P.A. student. My mother was unemployed and my father was an enlisted Marine so I was not pushed hard academically. If my grades were good enough for them, they were good enough for me.
After joining Upward Bound, I was pushed to strive for the best. I became an “A” student, I was leading organizations and applying to and getting accepted into top-ranked colleges. The program staff helped me learn what I was capable of. They provided workshops every other weekend ranging from topics on money management to ACT prep classes. They also took us on different cultured-based activities. For example, two of my most memorable activities were watching the Winter Kansas City Symphonic Choir and Orchestra perform and eating at a Vietnamese restaurant and watching a Broadway performance.
Attending the concert was a great experience for me because I am in a band myself and this event usually caters to middle class and upper-class members in society. Being part of the lower class, it was an honor to be there. Eating at a Vietnamese restaurant was also a great experience. I learned and experienced different cultural types of food.
Upward Bound is also a great support system. The staff connected with the students on many levels. I could call them about any problem I was having, until this day I stay in contact with some of the staff members. It was like another family.
This college readiness program was the best thing I could have done in my life. It helps set my future on the right track.
Rose-Bertine Mercier
Ruskin High School ’13
University of Kansas
Upward Bound had a large impact during my high school career. As I began to prepare for college, the advisors of Upward Bound provided multiple outlets as I prepared for college applications, ACT, and college essays. When I first applied for Upward Bound, I never expected so much variety in the program, it not only provided tutoring, but also scholarship opportunities, weekly activities incentives, traveling, and much more.
One of the highlights of this program was being able to experience what college could be. Each summer, Trio students were able to attend Avila University, stay at the dorms, and take college courses. Graduated seniors, like myself, were given the opportunity to take summer courses that were transferred as we began our first semester of college.
One of the many resources that Upward Bound provided students were scholarships and grants. Figuring out how to pay for ACT and college applications was incredibly stressful. However, with Upward Bound’s support, I was able to not worry so much about the financial barriers that arose. I am extremely grateful for what Trio had to offer, it has impacted me beyond my high school career. The assistance they provided me along with other students concerning finances to information about college has given me insight into what I want to achieve.
Upward Bound is an extraordinary program that has guided and challenged me throughout my high school academics. Being able to be proactive in preparing for college, seeking advice, and knowing that there was someone ready to listen and provide me with help is something that I hope than any potential trio participant will be able to experience. Like me, many other students have benefited from Upward Bound. I hope this program continues to create opportunities for students and help them reach success.
Upward Bound Scholarships
The following are college scholarships that as Upward Bound students, you may be eligible to qualify for:
Name of Scholarship | Application Due Date | Description / Qualifications | Link |
Wendy’s High School Heisman | October 2, 2017 | Minimum of 3.0 GPA, participate in at least one high school sport and demonstrate involvement in the community. | Scholarship Website |
Horatio Alger Scholarship | Target schools: Sept. 25, 2017
Overall: October 25, 2017 |
Minimum of 2.0 GPA, strong desire to complete a Bachelor’s Degree, demonstrate integrity and perseverance | Scholarship Website |
Get Up Get Active Scholarship | September 30, 2017 | Must be in good standing and submit a short essay on a given topic about the importance of getting active | Scholarship Website |
Coca-Cola Scholarship | October 31, 2017 | Minimum of 3.0 GPA and demonstrated a positive impact in the school and community | Scholarship Website |
Prudential Spirit of Community Awards | November 8, 2017 | Must be currently (or within the past year) involved in volunteer activities. | Scholarship Website |
MU Annual Scholarship Application | December 1, 2017 | Fill out one application for multiple scholarship opportunities. Must be attending the University of Missouri-Columbia. | Scholarship Website |
AXA Achievement Scholarship | December 15, 2017 | For seniors who plan to enroll full-time in an accredited two or four-year college/university. Must be one of the first 10,000 applications to be considered | Scholarship Website |
Dell Scholars Program | January 15, 2018 | Minimum of 2.0 GPA, plan to attend a four-year institution | Scholarship Website |
MENSA Education and Research Foundation Scholarship | January 15, 2018 | All students are eligible. A 550-word essay describing your career and academic goals are required. | Scholarship Website |
Missouri Conservation Agents Association Scholarship | February 1, 2018 | Must pursue a degree in Biology, Wildlife Management, Forestry, Fisheries, Ecology, Agriculture, Criminal Justice, or a related field. | Scholarship Website |
Anne Frank Outstanding Scholarship Award | February 19, 2018 | For seniors who have shown leadership in their communities. This scholarship recognizes students who exemplify the commitment, ideals, and courage that Anne Frank. Students to qualify must be accepted into a four-year college. | Scholarship Website |
Nodaway County Farmers Mutual | March 1, 2018 | Must attend a college or university in the state of Missouri. | Scholarship Website |
KC Scholars | March 3, 2018 | Minimum of 2.5 GPA. Must fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid forecaster. | Scholarship Website |
MFA Foundation Scholarship | March 15, 2018 | Must have plans to attend an accredited postsecondary school in any course of study. | Scholarship Website |
St. Francis Hospital Auxiliary | March 15, 2018 | Must pursue LPN, RN, or other medical careers. | Application |
The Masonic Scholarship Fund of Missouri, Inc. | March 31, 2018 | Minimum of 3.0 GPA and be enrolled as a full-time student at an accredited college or university in the United States. | Scholarship Website |
MSTA Kent King Educator Scholarship | June 1, 2018 | Students eligible are those who plan to attend a college or university with a major in education. The application must be turned into your school counselor. | Application |
Who is eligible?
- Students who attend or will attend Grandview High School or Ruskin High School
- Students who have earned a minimum of a 2.25 GPA average at the time of the application
- Students enrolled in the 9th – 12th grade (8th graders are encouraged to apply so they can start immediately in 9th grade)
- Students who are first-generation college-bound students (neither parent has earned a college degree)
- Students who meet the U.S. Department of Education income guidelines
- Students that show a need for Upward Bound services
- Students who are U.S. citizens or intend to gain citizenship status
Call the UB office at 816.501.2904 if you have any questions or concerns regarding your eligibility.
I submitted my application but haven’t been called for an interview. Now what? Upward Bound admits approximately 20 new students a year but receives over 40 applications a year. Please call the office at 816.501.2904 to check the status of your application and ensure it is complete. Incomplete applications could result in delayed interviews.
How often do you admit new students to the Upward Bound program? Students are admitted throughout the academic year depending on the current number of students being served. There is no set deadline or admittance date. Applications are accepted and reviewed year-round.
I just want to participate in the summer program, can I? No. Upward Bound is not just a summer program. Upward Bound is a commitment throughout the academic year and your high school career. UB is not a summer camp.
Do I have to reapply each year? No. Once you are in, you are in.
I’m involved in a lot of activities, can I still do Upward Bound? Yes! Being involved is great for students! However, make sure you can also give time and effort to Upward Bound. Staff will work with each student but the student must be willing and want to work with the Upward Bound project. This is a valid concern to bring up during the interview so that staff can clarify commitment and expectations.
Do you provide transportation? Depends. Upward Bound provides transportation to off-campus events/activities but students must find their own ride to campus. Furthermore, students must find their own transportation to any event being held on campus. Staff will not pick up students from their home and bring them to UB activities nor will they take students home. Students/parents must find their own transportation to and from campus.
How much does it cost to be in Upward Bound? NOTHING. Upward Bound is funded through a federal grant. All services are provided FREE OF CHARGE.
I don’t want to go to college, can I still join the program? No. Upward Bound is for students that have a strong desire to attend a post-secondary institution.
Where can I find an application? Applications can be downloaded from our website or you can grab one at your counseling center at your school!
Why are parents/guardians required to submit financial information? We require a copy of your latest 1040 income tax return for use to verify your student’s eligibility to join Upward Bound. No, we will not share or distribute your personal information. We keep all documents in the strictest confidentiality.
College Prep
- www.fafsa.ed.gov
- www.careonecredit.com/debt-free-u
- College Prep Checklist
- College Prep Info & Publications
Financial Aid Information
- FAFSA – Information and Access
- Financial Aid
- PIN – Required for Online Financial Aid
- Avoiding Scholarship Scams
- Guide to Federal Student Aid
- Financial Aid & Scholarship Wizard
General Scholarship Searches
ACT Information
Test Taking Tips
We are proud of the successes and achievements of all our UB alumni. Whether you were a former student, director, teacher, or summer staffer, please let us know what you are up to. We can’t wait to hear about all the great things you’ve been doing!
Update Contact Information Graduated? Moved? Started a new job? Keep us updated with your current info so that we can easily track and communicate with our UB Alumni.
Upward Bound Statement of Confidentiality The Department of Education requires that the following statement be read by all Upward Bound Alumni: “The personal information you give to Upward Bound is sent to the federal government (Department of Education). The information is protected by the Privacy Act. No one may see the information unless he/she works with or for the Upward Bound Program, or is specifically authorized to see the information. The information is necessary to determine the effectiveness of the program and helps the government to measure your success. The Department of Education has the authority to gather information to help make Upward Bound a better program (20 USC 1231a).”
Make a Donation Now YOU can give back to Upward Bound… Upward Bound is a grant-funded educational opportunity program that helps low-income, first-generation high school students from surrounding areas achieve their dreams of going on to college. Former Upward Bound students and their families now have the opportunity to further their legacy with the program by providing a donation to our Upward Bound Scholarship Fund. Any donations to the program go directly towards helping our students fund their post-secondary education. The Upward Bound scholarship fund specifically assists students with dual credit classes and AP tests. In 2013-2014, Upward Bound assisted UB juniors and seniors in taking more than 40 credits in dual credit courses.
If you would like to make a donation, please call the UB office at 816.501.2904. You may also mail your check to the following address and a receipt will be mailed/emailed to you immediately. Please put UB SCHOLARSHIP in the memo line.
Upward Bound
Avila University
11901 Wornall Road
Kansas City, MO 64145
UPWARD BOUND is designed to assist youth from first-generation and/or low-income families, who exhibit academic potential in graduation from high school, and have a desire to pursue and obtain a post-secondary education.
The application process is competitive and students must demonstrate a need for the program. Only students that have a desire for post-secondary education will be admitted.
Application Requirements
- The student and parent(s) must complete a student Participant Application
- The parent(s) must complete the school Records Release form for release of High School Transcripts.
- The parent(s) must provide a source of verification for family income. One of the following sources must accompany the application: a) A copy of the most recent parent or family federal income tax form showing TAXABLE INCOME or b) a statement from Social Security Administration or the Department of Social Services.
- Complete an Upward Bound Application
The application must be completed and returned with the accompanying forms and /or letters to the Upward Bound Program office with all supporting documentation before a student will be considered admittance.
There are several methods to submit your completed application:
In-Person/Target School:
- Ruskin High School
- Completed applications can be delivered to a staff member during advising or tutoring;
tutoring is held in room 118 every Tuesday and Thursday from 4:00pm to 5:30pm - Completed applications can be delivered to the counseling office or the Upward Bound mail box
Mailbox is located in the library
- Completed applications can be delivered to a staff member during advising or tutoring;
- Grandview High School
- Completed applications can be delivered to the counseling office
- Completed applications can be delivered to the Upward Bound staff at tutoring;
tutoring is held in room 113 every Tuesday and Thursday from 2:35pm to 4:05pm
Mail All Information:
Upward Bound
Avila University
11901 Wornall Road
Hodes Center
Kansas City, MO 64145
Email All Information:
If you have any questions, please contact our office at 816.501.2438.
Following the completion of this application, if you meet eligibility requirements, both you and your parent(s) will be scheduled for an interview with the Upward Bound staff. This is the final step of the process before your admissions decision will be made.
Upward Bound at Avila University is funded to serve 72 students between Ruskin High School and Grandview High School.
Completing an application does not guarantee the student an interview or a spot in the program.
Upward Bound – Project Achieve
Tutoring: is offered at the target schools (Central High School and Northeast High School). Students must attend a minimum of four hours of tutoring a month. At the beginning of each month, student grades will be checked and any student with a D/F grade will be required to attend an additional hour for each D/F grade. Tutors are hired at the target schools (current teachers) or are current college students.
Avila University: Students can request additional tutoring to be held outside of regular tutoring hours. These additional hours can only be held at Avila University and students must inform staff at least 24 hours in advance.
Saturday Sessions: workshops primarily focus on preparing for the ACT and improving areas of weakness. Upward Bound has partnered with Cambridge Educational Services to increase student test scores. At the beginning of each academic year, students take an ACT/PLAN/EXPLORE (depending on grade level) test and receive individual diagnostic results. These results indicate areas of strength and areas that need improvement.
These results are extremely important as Upward Bound builds the curriculum around the student scores and weaknesses. Upward Bound realizes that students who have mastered a certain skill do not need to keep learning it but rather need to focus on areas of weakness.
If a student misses the test date or joins Upward Bound mid-academic year, they will be placed in workshops based on current classes/grades. They cannot make the test up at any time. Saturday Sessions are held on the second Saturday of each month.
Activities: Throughout the academic year there will be a variety of activities offered to students. These activities can range from cultural experiences to campus visits to educational workshops to social events. Students must attend a minimum of 6 activities throughout the year to guarantee their participation in the Summer Excellence Institute.
- Broadway Performances
- University Theater Performances
- Campus Tours
- Financial Literacy Workshops
- Leadership Conferences
- Team Building
- Collegiate Athletic Events
- Cultural Dinners
- Etiquette Workshops
- Renaissance Festival
- Museums
- Movie Nights
- Community Service
Summer Excellence Institute: Upward Bound students have the opportunity to attend the Summer Excellence Institute (SEI) each summer through June and July. While it is not required, it is highly encouraged.
Students can live on campus for six weeks to truly experience residence life on campus. Students will take classes throughout the day that will prepare them for the next academic year. All students are required to take math, English, science, and reading. Furthermore, there are elective courses that include social studies, foreign language, additional electives, and college preparatory workshops. Evenings are filled with a variety of activities both on campus and off-campus.
Students who successfully complete SEI will be allowed to attend the end of the year trip. These trips are both fun and educational. Past locations include:
- Washington, D.C.
- Memphis/Nashville, TN
- Denver/Boulder, CO
- Chicago, IL
- Dallas, TX
- New Orleans
- Atlanta
- Minneapolis
- New Mexico
SEI will be assigned a theme and the curriculum will be structured around the theme as well as the trip. For example, in 2014 the theme was music. All students took music classes such as bucket percussion, choir, or music appreciation. The choir class sang the national anthem at a minor league baseball game, the percussion class performed on Beale Street in Memphis, and all students visited Graceland and other musical venues in Memphis/Nashville.
Bridge: UB participants who graduate from high school can participate in the Bridge summer immediately following their senior year. Bridge students take college courses for college credit (up to six credits) that will transfer to their post-secondary institution FREE OF CHARGE.
Academic Performance–GPA: 70% of participants served during the project will have a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or better on a four-point scale at the end of the school year.
Academic Performance–Standardized Tests: 40% of UB Achieve seniors served during the project will have achieved at the proficient level on state assessments in reading/language arts and math.
Secondary School Retention and Graduation: 90% of project participants served during the project year will continue in school for the next academic year, at the next grade level, or will have graduated from secondary school with a regular secondary school diploma.
Secondary School Graduation (Rigorous Secondary School Program of Study: 80% of all current and prior year UB participants who graduated from high school during the school year with a regular secondary school diploma will complete a rigorous secondary school program of study.
Post-secondary Enrollment: 60% of all current and prior UB participants who graduated from high school during the school year with a regular secondary diploma will enroll in a program of post-secondary education by the fall term immediately following high school graduation, or will have received notification by the fall term immediately following high school from an institution of higher education of acceptance but deferred enrollment until the next academic semester.
Post-secondary Completion: 27% of participants who enrolled in a program of post-secondary education, by the fall term immediately following high school graduation or by the next academic term as a result of acceptance by deferred enrollment, will attain either an associate’s or bachelor’s degree within six years following graduation from high school.
As an Upward Bound student, you may qualify for one of the following scholarships:
Name of Scholarship |
Application Due Date |
Description/Qualification |
Link |
Wendy’s High School Heisman | October 17, 2018 @ 5pm | Minimum of 3.0 GPA, participate in at least one high school sport and demonstrate involvement in the community. | Apply here! |
Horatio Alger Scholarship | October 25, 2018 | Minimum of 2.0 GPA, strong desire to complete a Bachelor’s Degree, demonstrate integrity and perseverance | Apply here! |
Get Up Get Active Scholarship | October 31, 2018 | Must be in good standing and submit a short essay (3-5 sentences) on overcoming a weakness | Apply here! |
Coca-Cola Scholarship | October 31st, 2018 @ 4pm | Minimum of 3.0 GPA and demonstrated a positive impact in the school and community | Apply here! |
MU Annual Scholarship Application | December 15, 2018 | Fill out one application for multiple scholarship opportunities. Must be attending the University of Missouri-Columbia | Apply here! |
AXA Achievement Scholarship | December 2018 | For seniors who plan to enroll full-time in an accredited two or four-year college/university. Must be one of the first 10,000 applications to be considered | Apply here! |
Dell Scholars Program | December 1, 2018 | Minimum of 2.4 GPA, plan to attend a four-year institution | Apply here! |
MENSA Education and Research Foundation Scholarship | January 15, 2019 | All students are eligible. A 550-word essay describing your career and academic goals are required. | Apply here! |
Missouri Conservation Agents Association Scholarship | February 1, 2019 | Must pursue a degree in Biology, Wildlife Management, Forestry, Fisheries, Ecology, Agriculture, Criminal Justice, or a related field. Minimum GPA of 2.5. | Apply here! |
KC Scholars | March 2019 | Minimum of 2.5 GPA. Must fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid forecaster | Apply here! |
The Masonic Scholarship Fund of Missouri, Inc. | March 2019 | Minimum of 3.0 GPA and be enrolled as a full-time student at an accredited college or university in the United States | Apply here! |
AABE William Grant Pinkard Scholarship | March 15, 2019 | Minimum of 3.0 GPA, applied to one or more colleges/universities. Majoring in business, one of the physical sciences, technology, engineering or math | Apply here! |
Black Community Scholarship Fund | March 2019 | Be of African American heritage, seeking educational/career advancement through an accredited degree or certification program at a 2 year or 4 year college or technical school. Priority givent to fields of healthcare, education, youth development, liberal and performing arts, and STEM. Minimum 2.0 GPA | Apply here! |
Epps Scholarship Fund | April 30, 2019 | Graduating high school seniors who intend to continue their education at a 4 year college/university and then at an accredited law school. Must have a 3.0 GPA or higher | Apply here! |
Hispanic Development Fund | March 1, 2019 | Be of Hispanic heritage. Attend a Greater KC metro area high school for the last three years before graduation, accepted/enrolled in a fully accredited college/university. Be enrolled as a full-time student | Apply here! |
Walters-Magee Scholarship | February 1, 2019 | Graduate from a KC Metro area high school, be an active member of a Christian church, have community service experience, have a 2.0 GPA or higher, studying education or psychology | Apply here! |
Who is eligible?
- Students who attend or will attend Central High School or Northeast High School
- Students who have earned a minimum of a 2.25 GPA average at the time of the application
- Students enrolled in the 9th – 12th grade (8th graders are encouraged to apply so they can start immediately in 9th grade)
- Students who are first-generation college-bound students (neither parent has earned a college degree)
- Students who meet the U.S. Department of Education income guidelines
- Students that show a need for Upward Bound services
- Students who are U.S. citizens or intend to gain citizenship status
Call the UB office at 816.501.2904 if you have any questions or concerns regarding your eligibility.
I submitted my application but haven’t been called for an interview. Now what? Upward Bound admits approximately 20 new students a year but receives over 40 applications a year. Please call the office at 816.501.2904 to check the status of your application and ensure it is complete. Incomplete applications could result in delayed interviews.
How often do you admit new students to the Upward Bound program? Students are admitted throughout the academic year depending on the current number of students being served. There is no set deadline or admittance date. Applications are accepted and reviewed year-round.
I just want to participate in the summer program, can I? No. Upward Bound is not just a summer program. Upward Bound is a commitment throughout the academic year and your high school career. UB is not a summer camp.
Do I have to reapply each year? No. Once you are in, you are in.
I’m involved in a lot of activities, can I still do Upward Bound? Yes! Being involved is great for students! However, make sure you can also give time and effort to Upward Bound. Staff will work with each student but the student must be willing and want to work with the Upward Bound project. This is a valid concern to bring up during the interview so that staff can clarify commitment and expectations.
Do you provide transportation? Depends. Upward Bound provides transportation to off-campus events/activities but students must find their own ride to campus. Furthermore, students must find their own transportation to any event being held on campus. Staff will not pick up students from their home and bring them to UB activities nor will they take students home. Students/parents must find their own transportation to and from campus.
How much does it cost to be in Upward Bound? NOTHING. Upward Bound is funded through a federal grant. All services are provided FREE OF CHARGE.
I don’t want to go to college, can I still join the program? No. Upward Bound is for students that have a strong desire to attend a post-secondary institution.
Where can I find an application? Applications can be downloaded from our website or you can grab one at your counseling center at your school!
Why are parents/guardians required to submit financial information? We require a copy of your latest 1040 income tax return for use to verify your student’s eligibility to join Upward Bound. No, we will not share or distribute your personal information. We keep all documents in the strictest confidentiality.
College Prep
- www.fafsa.ed.gov
- www.careonecredit.com/debt-free-u
- College Prep Checklist
- College Prep Info & Publications
Financial Aid Information
- FAFSA – Information and Access
- Financial Aid
- PIN – Required for Online Financial Aid
- Avoiding Scholarship Scams
- Guide to Federal Student Aid
- Financial Aid & Scholarship Wizard
General Scholarship Searches
ACT Information
- www.actstudent.org
- www.testpreview.com/act_practice.htm
Test Taking Tips
- www.college.gov
- www.collegetoolkit.com
- www.fafsaonline.com
We are proud of the successes and achievements of all our UB alumni. Whether you were a former student, director, teacher, or summer staffer, please let us know what you are up to. We can’t wait to hear about all the great things you’ve been doing!
Update Contact Information Graduated? Moved? Started a new job? Keep us updated with your current info so that we can easily track and communicate with our UB Alumni.
Download the UB Alumni Update Form
Upward Bound Statement of Confidentiality The Department of Education requires that the following statement be read by all Upward Bound Alumni: “The personal information you give to Upward Bound is sent to the federal government (Department of Education). The information is protected by the Privacy Act. No one may see the information unless he/she works with or for the Upward Bound Program, or is specifically authorized to see the information. The information is necessary to determine the effectiveness of the program and helps the government to measure your success. The Department of Education has the authority to gather information to help make Upward Bound a better program (20 USC 1231a).”
Make a Donation Now YOU can give back to Upward Bound… Upward Bound is a grant-funded educational opportunity program that helps low-income, first-generation high school students from surrounding areas achieve their dreams of going on to college. Former Upward Bound students and their families now have the opportunity to further their legacy with the program by providing a donation to our Upward Bound Scholarship Fund. Any donations to the program go directly towards helping our students fund their post-secondary education. The Upward Bound scholarship fund specifically assists students with dual credit classes and AP tests. In 2013-2014, Upward Bound assisted UB juniors and seniors in taking more than 40 credits in dual credit courses.
If you would like to make a donation, please call the UB office at 816.501.2904. You may also mail your check to the following address and a receipt will be mailed/emailed to you immediately. Please put UB SCHOLARSHIP in the memo line.
Upward Bound
Avila University
11901 Wornall Road
Kansas City, MO 64145
UPWARD BOUND is designed to assist youth from first-generation and/or low-income families, who exhibit academic potential in graduation from high school, and have a desire to pursue and obtain a post-secondary education.
The application process is competitive and students must demonstrate a need for the program. Only students that have a desire for post-secondary education will be admitted.
Application Requirements
- The student and parent(s) must complete a student Participant Application
- The parent(s) must complete the school Records Release form for release of High School Transcripts.
- The parent(s) must provide a source of verification for family income. One of the following sources must accompany the application: a) A copy of the most recent parent or family federal income tax form showing TAXABLE INCOME or b) a statement from Social Security Administration or the Department of Social Services.
- Complete an Upward Bound Application
The application must be completed and returned with the accompanying forms and /or letters to the Upward Bound Program office with all supporting documentation before a student will be considered admittance.
There are several methods to submit your completed application:
In-Person/Target School:
- Ruskin High School
- Completed applications can be delivered to a staff member during advising or tutoring;
tutoring is held in room 118 every Tuesday and Thursday from 4:00pm to 5:30pm - Completed applications can be delivered to the counseling office or the Upward Bound mail box
Mailbox is located in the library
- Completed applications can be delivered to a staff member during advising or tutoring;
- Grandview High School
- Completed applications can be delivered to the counseling office
- Completed applications can be delivered to the Upward Bound staff at tutoring;
tutoring is held in room 113 every Tuesday and Thursday from 2:35pm to 4:05pm
Mail All Information:
Upward Bound
Avila University
11901 Wornall Road
Hodes Center
Kansas City, MO 64145
Email All Information:
If you have any questions, please contact our office at 816.501.2438.
Following the completion of this application, if you meet eligibility requirements, both you and your parent(s) will be scheduled for an interview with the Upward Bound staff. This is the final step of the process before your admissions decision will be made.
Upward Bound at Avila University is funded to serve 72 students between Ruskin High School and Grandview High School.
Completing an application does not guarantee the student an interview or a spot in the program.

Anna McDonald, Executive Director of TRIO Programs
P: 816-501-3719 / E: anna.mcdonald
Connect with CSE!
Center for Student Excellence, Hodes #8
P: 8165013606 / E: avilasuccess
Getting around the CSE
Slepitza Center for Student Excellence Offices