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Placement Exams and Testing Services for Math and English

Students who enroll without an SAT or ACT score must take an Accuplacer exam for Math and English to determine the most appropriate course for those subjects. Depending on your scores, you will be placed in:

  • English
    • EN 095: Writing Strategies, EN 111: Composition 1-Rhetorical Discourse, or EN 112: Composition 2-Rhetorical Argument
  • Math
    • MA 092: Mathematical Literacy, MA 117 with lab: Mathematical Reasoning and Modeling, or MA 120 with lab: College Algebra
    • If a student would like to be placed in MA 125: Precalculus or MA 241: Calculus & Analytic Geometry, the Mathematics department will administer a higher level test

Students who are new to Avila will take placement exams during SOAR (Student Orientation and Registration). These students should reach out to their admissions representative for further information. Current Avila students and incoming students who do not participate in SOAR can arrange to take placement exams on campus or virtually by completing the form below:

Preparing for the ACCUPLACER

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