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Center for Student Excellence, Hodes #8
P: 8165013606 / E: avilasuccess

What is Success Coaching?

Success Coaching provides students with academic success planning, goal setting, success workshops, assistance with the registration process, and other holistic support to ensure students have every opportunity to graduate on time.

Students that are on academic probation are required to meet with a success coach regularly each semester they are on probation.

As a supplement to the success coaching students receive, there is also a Student Success Canvas Classroom that houses information that students can use to be successful. It is an open enrollment classroom and there are no assignments or quizzes due. To join the classroom, click here.

Our Success Coaches


Paige Illum, Ph.D., Associate Vice President for Student Success
P: 816-501-3760 / E: paige.illum


Alexandra Leugoud, MA, Persistence Specialist and Academic Advisor
P: 816.501.3746 / E: alexandra.leugoud

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