Campus Safety, Whitfield Center, Lower Level
11901 Wornall Rd. / Kansas City 64145 / 816.985.6079
E: campussafety
Office Hours:
Campus Safety is on campus 24/7/365
The Safety Office has limited office hours on the Lower Level of the Whitfield Center:
8 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Report Concerns & Incidents
Campus Conduct Hotline
Campus Safety
911 or 9-911 from campus
Campus Services / Maintenance
Residents Life
Title IX
VP Student Affairs / Title IX co-Coordinator
HR Director / Title IX co-Coordinator
VP of Student Development
Avila Care Team
Visit Website
Stay Safe Eagles.
Security and safety concerns on the campus are addressed 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Stay safe Eagles.
Avila University encourages accurate and prompt reporting of all crimes to Campus Safety Officers, professional staff members or local law enforcement. The University can assist victims in reporting crimes if they are unable to make the reports themselves.
The Annual Security Report, in compliance with the ‘Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act’, is linked below, and will provide you with the full PDF document. This Report contains information on campus security and personal safety, including crime prevention, university law enforcement authority, crime reporting policies, disciplinary procedures, and other important matters about security on campus. It also contains statistics for the three previous calendar years on reported crimes that occurred on or adjacent to campus.
Campus Safety is responsible for:
- Deterring crime on campus
- Distributing parking permits and student IDs
- Issuing parking tickets
- Locking and unlocking buildings
- Issuing keys
- Crowd control and parking control at events on University property
- Monitoring the alarm system
- Maintaining the “safe walk” program to walk individuals to and from their vehicles when requested.
- First, responding to student assistance needs.
- Assisting the University with crime reporting, theft, or vandalism
- Helping provide a safe and secure environment for students and employees to learn, work, and grow.

COVID-19 Preparedness
Are you staying up to date with the latest news about Coronavirus Disease 2019? Visit Avila’s Healthy Eagles page for campus updates. Get all the up-to-date information from the CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) website at
Avila ID cards & Parking Permits
NOTE: Currently the online forms for Identification Forms and Parking Permits are not available. Please come by the Campus Safety Office in Whitfield, building #3, during office hours of Monday through Friday 8am to 5pm, and we can assist you. For your Avila University Parking Permit, please do have the information for your vehicle’s make/model and license plate number.
Your Avila University ID (Identification Card) and your Avila Parking Permit may be obtained by completing the separate online forms and the card and/or permit can be mailed to you.
To fill out the online form, the Student or Employee needs to log into MyAU, then under the Campus Life header (for Students) you will find in the left column ‘Student New ID’; or for Faculty and Staff go to Employee Resources in the header row then you will find in the left column ‘Employee New ID Card’.
New Student ID form
New Employee ID form
To complete your ID Card, we need a photo of yourself of higher resolution, which includes at a minimum the entire head and top of shoulders and has limited background distractions. We ask that you please do not submit a car selfie.
ID cards do not need to be replaced during your time with Avila University, but Parking Permits must be renewed each year. The first ID and parking pass are FREE. It will cost $20 to replace an ID and $5 to replace a parking permit.
If you prefer to come to the Safety Office in person for your ID card and/or a parking permit, we are located in Whitfield (building #3). Students and Employees need to bring their Avila ID number and car information (including license plate information, make, model, color, and vehicle year).
NOTE: Currently the online forms for Identification Forms and Parking Permits are not available. Please come by the Campus Safety Office in Whitfield, building #3, during office hours of Monday through Friday 8am to 5pm, and we can assist you. For your Avila University Parking Permit, please do have the information for your vehicle’s make/model and license plate number.
Parking Permits can be obtained via a form located on MyAU, under a different tab in the left column.
Parking Permit form
If you prefer to come to the Safety Office in person for your parking permit, we are located in Whitfield (building #3). Students and Employees need to bring their Avila ID number and car information (including license plate information, make, model, color, and vehicle year).
Temporary tags can be obtained for cars that are going to be parked on campus temporarily.
Parking tickets are issued to anyone that is not parked in the appropriate parking space on campus, so do be observant of spaces reserved for Residents, Employees, and Handicap Designated spaces.
Parking Permits for the 2020-21 Academic Year will be ready at the end of July. Permits are valid from August to August.
You may fill out the online form for next year’s Commuter Student or Resident Student parking permit, and Commuter permits will be mailed out before the Fall semester starts, and Resident permits can be picked up at Move-In.
Bystander Intervention
As an individual, we are often hesitant to intervene, but as a community, we need to help each other and step in for our dear neighbor.
As a bystander, we will see things occurring that we know are violations of policy or behaviors that are inappropriate and one or more of the individuals involved may regret later. Go with your gut instinct; if you see something inappropriate, say something.
Students, faculty, and staff can intervene in potentially harmful situations, such as sexual misconduct, using one of the three Ds:
- Delegate: Some bystanders are too wary or shy to approach a potentially violent situation directly but can diffuse a situation by locating the friends of the person who might be in danger or by contacting the Police, Safety, or an RA.
- Distract: Allow a chance to separate the individuals by distracting one of them; intercede in their conversation, tell them that somebody else is looking for them, tell them their car is being towed, etc.
- Direct: If you feel comfortable, directly approach the situation, tell them you are concerned, and offer to give that friend a ride home.
Dr. Dorothy Edwards relays a story “about a guy who saw one of his buddies taking a girl upstairs at a party. [The girl] seemed too drunk to be going upstairs, and so the guy called after his buddy and says ‘Hey, your car is getting towed.’ When the man went to check on his car, the woman’s friends intervened and took her home.”
Help us build a better community at Avila, inspire your fellow classmates to take appropriate actions, and remember that even as a bystander, you too can help build a positive environment around you by speaking up. If You See Something, Say Something!