Archival Collections
Records of the Board of Trustees
Records of the Office of President
Records of the VP of Academic Affairs
Faculty Governance Materials
Faculty Handbook and Directories Collection
Graduation Materials
Student Scholar Day Materials
Harry S. Truman Lecture Series Collection
Records of the Hooley-Bundschu Library and Learning Commons
Records of the Office of Registrar
Records of Academic Centers and Institutes
Records of the VP for Advancement and External Relations
Records of the Office of Advancement
Records of the Office of Alumni Relations
Records of the Office of Marketing and Communication
Records of the VP for Finance and Administrative Services
Records of the Office of Controller
Records of the University Bookstore
Records of the Office of Campus Facilities
Records of the Office of Campus Safety
Records of the VP for Enrollment Management and Athletics
Records of the Office of Student Development and Success
University Athletics Collection
Records of the Office of Admission
Records of the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences
Records of the School of Humanities
Records of the School of Performing Arts
Records of the School of Psychology
Records of the School of Social Sciences
Records of the College of Science and Health
Records of the School of Natural and Applied Sciences
Records of the School of Computer Science and Mathematics
Records of the School of Nursing
Records of the School of Imaging Science
Records of the College of Professional Schools
Records of the School of Business
Records of the School of Education
Records of the School of Visual and Communication Arts
Records of the Advantage Institute
Student Senate
Student Literary Magazine Collection
Student Newspapers Collection
Student Yearbooks Collection
Sexual Orientation Diversity Alliance (SODA)
Martha Smith, CSJ, Ph.D. Papers
Marie de LaSakke McKeon, CSJ Papers
Linda Cleveland Papers
Robert Powell Papers
Larry Garrison Sullivan Papers
Faculty Publications Collection
Artifacts and Memorabilia Collection
University History Collection
Oral History Collection
Scrapbook Collection
Evelyn O’Neill Book Collection
George C. Stewart Collection
Mary Austin Carroll Collection
Sister History Listserv Collection
Sister Formation Conference Collection
Women Religious Oral History Collection
Mary L. Schneider, OSF Materials
Women Religious Special Collections

Begun in the fall of 1997, these collections are unique as the first college/university Special Collection focused entirely on the experience of Catholic sisters and nuns. Intended as a repository for out-of-print and contemporary books, manuscripts, pamphlets, photographs, ephemera and other materials by, for and about American sisters, the Women Religious Special Collections were created to provide researchers with access to these materials, which relate to the communities and activities of sisters and nuns in the United States.
Avila University Archives

Within this collection you will find a wide variety of primary source material that relates to all aspects of the history of Avila University, from its foundation in 1916 to the present day. These materials include official records, university publications, photographs, ephemera, memorabilia, as well as materials related to alumni, former faculty, staff and administrators.
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