Become a Reading Specialist!
The Master of Arts in Education, with an emphasis in Literacy, is designed to prepare teachers to focus on literacy development, instruction, and assessment of students with diverse learning and literacy needs. The course requirements for an Advanced Certificate in Special Reading are included within the Master’s coursework.
Certified K-12 teachers who wish to add an Advanced Certification in Special Reading can do so in an accelerated graduate program. Teachers can work toward the advanced certificate, or with a few additional classes complete the Master’s Degree.
Program Requirements
- ED 564 Consultation, Collaboration & Family Engagement: Special Education (1)
- ED 652 Methods of Teaching Language & Literacy (3)
- ED 656 Advanced Literature For Youth (3)
- ED 661 Second Language Acquisition (3)
- ED 670 Advanced Assessment & Remediation (3)
- ED 671 Advanced Teaching of Secondary Literacy (3)
- ED 673 Evaluation of Abilities & Assessment (3)
- ED 674 Supervision of Literacy Program (3)
- ED 689 Educational Research (3)
- ED 697 Advanced Literacy Clinical Elementary (3)
- ED 698 Advanced Literacy Clinical Secondary (3)
- ED 564 Consultation, Collaboration & Family Engagement: Special Education (1)
- ED 652 Methods of Teaching Language & Literacy (3)
- ED 656 Advanced Literature For Youth (3)
- ED 661 Second Language Acquisition (3)
- ED 670 Advanced Assessment & Remediation (3)
- ED 671 Advanced Teaching of Secondary Literacy (3)
- ED 673 Evaluation of Abilities & Assessment (3)
- ED 697 Advanced Literacy Clinical Elementary (3)
- ED 698 Advanced Literacy Clinical Secondary (3)
Program Highlights
- Increase employment opportunities in K-12 education
- 100% Online
- No GRE or Admissions Test
- Eight-week courses. Focus on one course at a time.
- Transfer in up to nine previous graduate hours
- Several enrollment start dates throughout the year – start any semester
Contact Us!

School of Education
Cory Roup, Assistant Director of Graduate Education
P: 816.501.2464 / E: cory.roup