Let’s Get Started
Avila’s nurses are sought after by area hospitals because of the preparation they get here at Avila University. It starts by applying to the School of Nursing. It doesn’t matter if you’re coming straight from high school or coming back to college to earn your degree, Avila is the right fit with small class sizes and hands-on learning in our very own Nursing Education Center and Simulation Lab with state-of-the-art life-like simulators.

The Avila University School of Nursing is committed to nondiscrimination
and equal opportunity in its admission process.
ALL applicants seeking admission to the Avila University nursing program must:
- Have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.8.
- Obtain a “C” or above in all prerequisite courses prior to beginning nursing courses. These courses may be repeated only once.
- Courses in science and ethics may not be more than 10 years old.
- Submit all application materials by the published application deadline for the semester you plan to start nursing major coursework. Applications received after the deadline will be considered using the admission criteria on a space-available basis. See application process for deadline dates.
- Achieve a level of “proficient” or above on the TEAS assessment. The TEAS can be repeated one time and must be taken within 24 months of the time of application to the School of Nursing.
Additional considerations are given to the following:
- Overall GPA.
- Analysis of TEAS scores.
- The number of credit hours taken at Avila.
- Interview and/or essay.
- Academic history with patterns and trends indicating the potential for academic success (e.g., successful completion of a full-time semester, a limited number of repeated courses or grades of C in sciences).
- Eligibility for licensure. The completion of the BSN program does not guarantee licensure. Refer to the Nurse Practice Act in the state in which you anticipate licensure. In Missouri, refer to Missouri Division of Professional Registration section 335.046.1 and 335.066, RSMo.
Direct-Entry Admission
High school seniors admitted to Avila may secure a place in the nursing program by meeting, at a minimum, the following criteria:
- 24 ACT Composite score
- 24 ACT Science sub-score
- A cumulative high school GPA of 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale) or its equivalent
- If no ACT score is available, a minimum SAT score (CR+M) of 1090 and review of high school science courses will be required. A cumulative GPA of 3.25 or higher when beginning the nursing program.
- ALL other criteria for the School of Nursing admission.
Guaranteed Admission
Students who complete their first and second-year coursework at Avila with a cumulative GPA of 3.25 or above at the time of application to the nursing major will have admission granted provided that all other criteria for admission are met and all other additional considerations are satisfactory.
Post Baccalaureate
Cumulative GPAs of applicants who have already earned an undergraduate degree will be calculated on completed coursework that is required for the nursing major.
Previous Nursing Enrollment
A student seeking admission who has prior enrollment in another nursing program will be considered for admission if the student has a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.80 in nursing courses. Students will not be considered for admission if they have received grades of D, F, or W/F (withdraw/failing) in any previous nursing program or have been dismissed for nonacademic reasons from a nursing program. If a dismissal or earned grade was determined to be a result of an exam average that is higher than the exam average currently required by the Avila School of Nursing, the Admissions Committee will review the information and determine if a letter of petition is required to continue on with the application process. Contact the Nursing Admission Coordinator for additional information.
Students who believe there are circumstances that may require reasonable accommodations or services as determined by the American Disabilities Act, should contact the Avila University Student Access Office upon acceptance of the program’s admission invitation.
Transfer Applicants for all terms must meet the requirements below. Deadline for fall admission is January 10th and for Spring admission is August 10th
- The NursingCAS application
- The TEAS(Test of Essential Academic Skills) with a score of Proficient or higher. The TEAS is offered through ATI (Assessment Technologies, Inc.). Visit ATITESTING.COM and select “Register for TEAS” to create an account, find a date and location that works for you and sign up for the assessment. ATI is also offering remote sessions. When you register be sure to request that your results be sent to Avila, there is an additional transcript fee. If you have already taken the TEAS please visit ATI Testing, go to the On-line Store, and select TEAS transcript to have your results provided to Avila.
Applicants CURRENTLY enrolled at Avila, including Direct Entry and Guaranteed Admits MUST complete the following requirements. Deadline for fall admission is January 10th and for Spring admission is August 10th
- Start by completing the Avila University School of Nursing Intent Form (click to download) Please download the form, fill it out and email it to: Nursinggeneralmailbox@avila.edu
- The TEAS(Test of Essential Academic Skills) with a score of Proficient or higher. The TEAS is offered through ATI (Assessment Technologies, Inc.). Visit ATITESTING.COM and select “Register for TEAS” to create an account, find a date and location that works for you and sign up for the assessment. ATI is also offering remote sessions. When you register be sure to request that your results be sent to Avila, there is an additional transcript fee. If you have already taken the TEAS please visit atitesting.com, go to the On-line Store, and select TEAS transcript to have your results provided to Avila.
- If you are a high school student or a transfer student needing to complete prerequisites and core courses:
- Visit the admissions home page for complete details on applying to Avila University.
- After admission, meet with your advisor to develop a curriculum plan to prepare you for nursing courses.
- Apply to the nursing program by the published deadline of the year you will be ready to begin nursing courses.
For additional information about the Nursing Program, you may contact the Avila University Office of Admissions at 816-501-3692 or the Avila University School of Nursing at 816-501-2400.
School of Nursing Pre Reqs
English Comp*
College Algebra*
Fundamentals of Communication*
General Psychology†
Chemistry with Lab*
Microbiology with lab
Human Anatomy and Physiology with lab (min 6 cr)
Statistics or Social Statistics
Lifespan Development
3 cr Social Sciences* (nursing recommends Sociology, Social Problems/Social Change or Intro to Social Welfare)
3 credits Philosophy* (nursing recommends Bioethics or Ethics)
*meets Avila core requirement
**included in Nursing major courses in ABSN
†Not required for ABSN
Prerequisites and university core requirements are subject to change.
View transfer course equivalencies for local two-year colleges
View a Sample Four-Year Curriculum
National Council of States Boards of Nursing – NCLEX exam
Completion of the Avila University Bachelor of Science in Nursing program meets educational requirements to apply for the NCLEX exam for Registered Nurses (RNs).
Pursuant to 20 CSR 2200-2.120 (3)(D), Section 335.066, RSMo, of the current Missouri Nursing Practice Act the completion of the program does not guarantee eligibility to take the licensure examination. Application for initial licensure may be requested through any state board of nursing. Completion of the Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree through Avila University meets the educational requirements for the states of Missouri and Kansas. Information related to eligibility for initial licensure in other states is available on the websites for each individual state. Most states require submission of course transcripts for review prior to granting approval.
Avila School of Nursing has attempted to determine which states accept graduates of the school of nursing for initial licensure. Any student who plans to seek initial licensure in a state other than Missouri or Kansas is counseled to contact the Board of Nursing of that state to ensure that they will be eligible for seeking licensure in that state. Graduation from Avila School of Nursing does not guarantee eligibility to sit for the National Council Licensure Examination for the Registered Nurse (NCLEX-RN).
The U.S. Department of Education via Regulation 34 CFR 668.43 (a) (5) (v) requires professional nursing programs to provide:
- a list of all states/jurisdictions where the institution’s curriculum meets state educational requirements for professional licensure or certification
- a list of all states/jurisdictions where the institution’s curriculum does not meet state educational requirements for professional licensure or certification, and
- a list of all states/jurisdictions where the institution has not made a determination of whether the curriculum meets educational requirements (Undetermined).
Disclaimer: This information, which is fluid and ever-evolving, has been gathered from a variety of sources. Although Avila SON has made every effort to provide complete, accurate and up-to-date information, we cannot guarantee the completeness and accuracy of this information.
For more information on individual state’s requirements, go to https://www.ncsbn.org/14730.htm.
State by State List |
Likely Yes |
Likely No |
Undetermined |
Alabama Arizona Delaware Georgia Idaho Iowa Kansas Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Oklahoma Rhode Island South Dakota Utah Wisconsin |
Colorado California Hawaii Illinois Ohio Oregon Wyoming |
Arkansas Alaska Connecticut DC Florida Indiana Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey Pennsylvania South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Vermont Virgin Islands Virginia Washington West Virginia American Samoa Guam Northern Mariana Islands Puerto Rico |
Licensure in other states
Completion of the Avila University Bachelor of Science in Nursing program meets educational requirements to apply for the NCLEX exam for Registered Nurses (RNs). Application for initial licensure may be requested through any state board of nursing. Completion of the Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree through Avila University meets the educational requirements for the states of Missouri and Kansas. Information related to eligibility for initial licensure in other states is available on the websites for each individual state. Most states require submission of course transcripts for review prior to granting approval.
Avila University School of Nursing (AU SON) has attempted to determine which states accept graduates of the school of nursing for initial licensure. Any student who plans to seek initial licensure in a state other than Missouri or Kansas is counseled to contact the Board of Nursing of that state to ensure that they will be eligible for seeking licensure in that state. Graduation from AU SON does not guarantee eligibility to sit for the National Council Licensure Examination for the Registered Nurse (NCLEX-RN).
The U.S. Department of Education via Regulations for Title IV require that AU SON publicly disclosure the following:
- a list of all states/jurisdictions where the institution’s curriculum meets state educational requirements for professional licensure or certification
- a list of all states/jurisdictions where the institution’s curriculum does not meet state educational requirements for professional licensure or certification
Disclaimer: This information, which is fluid and ever-evolving, has been gathered from a variety of sources. Although Avila SON has made every effort to provide complete, accurate and up-to-date information, we cannot guarantee the completeness and accuracy of this information.
At this point in time (July 1, 2024) Avila University SON’s curriculum meets the educational requirements for licensure in the following states and territories:
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New Mexico
New York
North Carolina
North Dakota
Rhode Island
South Carolina
South Dakota
West Virginia
Northern Mariana Islands
U.S. Virgin Islands
At this point in time (July 1, 2024) Avila University SON’s curriculum DOES NOT meet the state educational requirements for licensure in the following states and territories:
District of Columbia
American Samoa
*Guaranteed and Direct Entry qualifications can be found above in the School of Nursing Admission Criteria
Please contact 816.501.3671 or email nursinggeneralmailbox@avila.edu with any questions.
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