Prepare Yourself.
A Bachelor of Science degree is highly recommended. Students who are interested in optometry will be able to obtain the following courses for application to optometry school. The following courses are required by many schools
- BI 111 General Biology Cells and Genes
- BI 112 General Biology Ecology and Evolution
- BI 250 General Microbiology
- BI 318 Genetics
- CH 135 General Chemistry I
- CH 137 General Chemistry II
- CH 216 Organic Chemistry I
- CH 217 Organic Chemistry II
- BI/CH 342 Biochemistry IP
- H 231 General Physics I
- PH 232 General Physics II
- EN 112 English Composition II
- MA 155 Elementary Probability and Statistics
Some schools require mathematics through calculus (MA 241). Some type of anatomy (human or comparative), ethics, communication, sociology, and a foreign language is also encouraged.
Valuable resources for applicants to schools of optometry
Central Application Service: OptomCAS
Standardized Entrance Exam: Optometry Aptitude Test (OAT)
Additional Information:
Association of Schools and Colleges of Optometry
American Optometric Association
University of Missouri at St. Louis College of Optometry
Northeastern State University – Oklahoma College of Optometry

Lida Khalafi, Ph.D., Assistant Professor
P: 816-501-3788 / E: lida.khalafi

Stephen Daggett, Ph.D., Professor of Biology
P: 816-501-3654 / E: stephen.daggett