Career Outlook
A recent, informal survey of students who previously studied Computer Science at Avila found those people working for companies such as Sprint, Hallmark, and Cerner. Some of the job titles found in the survey include:
- Software Engineer
- RAD Analyst
- Project Manager
- IT Analyst
- Information Technology Specialist
- Engineering Manager
- Senior Application Developer
- Computer Programmer
- Programmer/Analyst
The Avila Computer Science program is also a good foundation for graduate study leading to masters and doctorate degrees.
Senior Internships
In order to graduate with a Computer Science degree, every senior must complete an internship. You will be required to work between 100 – 120 hours in a semester of your senior year. The following is a basic guideline about the internship process:
- You create a rèsumè based on your experience and skills. If you need help, Career Services is a great resource tool.
- Your professor will review your rèsumè, suggest any changes, and distribute your rèsumè to area businesses.
- Your professor will let you know when you’ve been accepted to a company for an internship along with all the details.
- Once you have met with your supervisor about your internship, you will need to create a project plan or job description for your time there.
- During your internship, you are to create a weekly status report to send to your professor as well as your supervisor.
- At the end of your internship, you will create an Internship Report, a reflection about your internship.
In the past years, our students have received internship positions at Sprint, Entire Computer Solutions, We-Are-IT, the Grandview School District, and many other well-known companies. This internship is a great hands-on experience and will prepare seniors for the professional world.