International Business
In the global business world, a major in International Business helps students get prepared for careers with multinational corporations as well as careers overseas. Students have a choice of a number of courses that emphasize the international/multinational/multicultural world that we live in today. Apart from the coursework, students are required to demonstrate proficiency in a foreign language and are encouraged to pursue an internship that exposes them to the international dimension of business. Study abroad options are available on a limited basis for interested students.
BUSINESS COMPOSITION REQUIREMENT (unless completed as part of Core)
EN 112 Composition II: Rhetorical Argument or
EN 210 Composing for the 21stCentury or
EN 213 Writing with Style
AC 201 Principles of Accounting I
AC 202 Principles of Accounting II
BL 305 Legal Aspects of Business I
BU 340 Business Communications
BU 499 Business Policy
EC 202 Principles of Microeconomics
EC 203 Principles of Macroeconomics
EC 240 Statistical Analysis
EC 241 Quantitative Analysis
FI 330 Finance
MG 321 Management OR
MG 322 Organizational Behavior & Development
MG 498 Strategic Management
MK 310 Marketing
A total of eighteen (18) semester hours from the following list, plus the Business Core (42 hours).
AC 355 Cost Accounting
BL 347 International Business Law
MK 411 International Marketing (GS)
FI 437 International Finance (GS)
EC 382 International Economics
MG 411 International Management
Three (3) hours of upper-division courses in a business area, with approval of advisor.
Students will also be required to demonstrate cross-cultural sensitivity/literacy as evidenced by one of the following:
a. Student takes 6 credits of coursework in a single foreign language at the college level. Coursework completed in high school can be used to meet this requirement.
b. Student is proficient in his/her native language. In this regard, English is not a native language.
c. Student completes a semester abroad at an appropriate institution, under Avila’s Study Abroad Program.
d. Student does an internship for a business organization in an appropriate location.

A world of opportunity
In the globalized world where we live, a major in International Business helps you prepare for a career with
multinational corporations as well as a career overseas.
Employee Relocation Representative ● Kansas City Median Salary: $52,548
Risk Analyst ● Kansas City Median Salary: $55,696
Market Research Analyst ● Kansas City Median Salary: $57,694