Jon Mandracchia, Ph.D., MSCP Chair and Associate Professor of Psychology
P: 816-501-2943 / E: jon.mandracchia

License information for Licensed Professional Counselors (LPC) in Missouri and Kansas is provided by Avila University’s School of Psychology. Neither Avila University nor the School of Psychology determines license eligibility. The School works with Kansas and Missouri to ensure our curriculum meets the educational requirements necessary to become an LPC (MO and KS). Eligibility and requirements are determined by the states, and changes made while attending or post-graduation may require additional coursework before eligibility is met. Questions regarding courses taken at another institution used for licensing purposes should be directed to the respective state licensing body.
Missouri Licensed Professional Counselors
The Division of Professional Registration is an agency within the Missouri Department of Insurance, Financial Institutions & Professional Registration. The division is comprised of 212 staff members that support 38 professional licensing boards and commissions in licensing and regulating the activities of approximately 400,000 professional Missourians. We provide boards and commissions, process applications, administer examinations issue licenses, and, when warranted, conduct investigations into possible professional misconduct and may suspend or revoke the licensure of practitioners.
Kansas Licensed Professional Counselors
The mission of the BSRB, in accordance with the intent of the Kansas Legislature, is to protect and serve the consumers of services offered by BSRB licensee, through the issuance of licenses, resolution of complaints, and the creation of appropriate regulations, accomplished through efficiency, fairness and respect to all those involved.
National Certifying Exam (NCE) Pass Rate
Avila University provides information on pass rates for the National Certifying Examination. The pass rates are requested from Missouri and Kansas in an effort to capture the majority of Avila graduates applying for state licensing. This information is provided to meet reporting requirements by the Higher Learning Commission. This information is updated in August of each year.
Missouri: For data collected from January 2015 through August 23, 2017, graduates from Avila University represented 37 exam score reports. 35 score attempts passed the NCE and 2 did not pass. This represents a pass rate of 94.6%. Note – An exam candidate must authorize the reporting of the results to the state licensing committee and must be an applicant for supervision or licensure for the score to be maintained on file. This information is updated in August of each year.