Department of Religious Studies & Philosophy

An Integrated Experience

Our integrated program provides professional development for today’s job market as well as broad exposure to some of the most important aspects of a humanities education.  The program explicitly teaches a number of marketable skills that employers increasingly seek, including critical thinking, analytical writing, cultural understanding and sensitivity, and intellectual initiative. In addition to this, our program is designed to enrich your sense of purpose and commitment to the values of social justice, care for others, and dignity for all. Our integrated program is, thus, in many ways, the best of both worlds.

The word “integrated” in the term “integrated program” indicates a mutually-enriching and critical dialogue between two disciplines (Religious Studies and Philosophy) that are central to the liberal arts at a Catholic institution. In keeping with the tradition of such institutions, faith and reason are taken as valued standpoints from which to approach academic work and community life. Thus, the ordering signifies neither hierarchy nor dependency of one discipline upon the other. Rather, students will grapple with problems, themes, and questions from shared and distinctive standpoints.

Philosophy Minor

Eighteen hours in Philosophy, including PL 111, PL 255, and at least six hours of upper-division philosophy or other approved courses (300 or above). RS 117 (World Religions) is a non-philosophy course that can count as credit towards the philosophy minor. Minors must receive a grade of “C” or higher in all courses taken for the minor.

Religious Studies Minor

Eighteen hours in Religious Studies, including RS 111, RS 117, and at least six hours of upper-division religious studies or other approved courses (300 or above). Minors must receive a grade of “C” or higher in all courses taken for the minor.

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