Prepare Yourself.
At Avila, your liberal arts-based education will help you develop the analytical, critical thinking, and communication skills you’ll need to succeed on the Dental Admissions Test, in dental school, and in a dental practice. Students who are interested in dentistry will be able to obtain the courses that are required for application to schools of dentistry. The following courses are required by many schools:
- BI 111 General Biology: Cells and Genes
- BI 112 General Biology Ecology and Evolution BI 220 Human Anatomy and Physiology (8 credit option)
- BI 318 Genetics
- BI 345 Molecular Cell Biology
- CH 135 General Chemistry I
- CH 137 General Chemistry II
- CH 216 Organic Chemistry I
- CH 217 Organic Chemistry II
- BI/CH 342 Biochemistry I
- PH 231 General Physics I
- PH 232 General Physics II
- EN 112 Composition II: Rhetorical Argument
In addition, microbiology, calculus or statistics, a business class, communication (speech), and applied arts (sculpture, ceramics) are often also taken.
Valuable resources for applicants to schools of dentistry-
Central Application Service:
The American Dental Education Association’s Associated American Dental Schools Application Service (AADSAS)
Standardized Entrance Examination:
Dental Admission Test (DAT)
Partnership Program:
Lake Erie College of Medicine (LECOM)
Additional Information:
American Dental Education Association (ADEA)
American Dental Association (ADA)

Lida Khalafi, Ph.D., Assistant Professor
P: 816-501-3788 / E: lida.khalafi

Stephen Daggett, Ph.D., Professor of Biology
P: 816-501-3654 / E: stephen.daggett