Avila Now

May 4, 2022

Annual Social Work Senior Colloquium Showcases Social Leaders

The Avila Social Work Department hosted its annual Senior Colloquium on Tuesday, May 3, 2022, with 10 Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) students presenting their research to an audience and expert Capstone Project rater Matthew Loehr, Ph.D. 

As part of their program, students learn that successful social workers demonstrate nine core competencies. BSW students identify a challenge in their field experience and then implement an evidence-informed intervention to promote change. The Capstone Project evaluates the effectiveness of the intervention, and students demonstrate competency in knowledge, skills, values, cognitive and affective processes as they conduct research and implement 31 professional behaviors they have studied in the social work major. 

The following are the winners of the individual award categories:

Best Capstone Project – Lauren Manion, Life Skill Development with Youth in Crisis

Dorothy Gallagher Award – Odessa Andree, An Experimental Approach to Person in Environment: How to limit recidivism while supporting client’s goals

Mission/Vision Award – Athaviah Shane, Refugee Literacy

Lauren Manion and Matthew Loehr, Ph.D.
Best Capstone Project Winner Lauren Manion with project rater Matthew Loehr, Ph.D. 
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